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graph paper 圖紙,坐標圖紙,標繪圖紙。


Plot , on the graph paper ( on the next page ) , the absorbance measurements for your thiocyanate standards against the concentration ( micromoles / ml ) of the standards . this has a value of 6 marks 在下一頁作圖,橫軸為硫氰鹽離子濃度,縱軸為分光光度計讀數(吸光值) 。此題6分。

[ b ] work surface [ / b ] : i use a sheet of clear acrylic under which i put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size 工作面板:我使用一張丙烯酸材料的墊板,在其下我放了一大張坐標紙,它可以幫助我按照切割軟陶泥。

Work surface [ / b ] : i use a sheet of clear acrylic under which i put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size 工作面板:我使用一張丙烯酸材料的墊板,在其下我放了一大張坐標紙,它可以幫助我按照切割軟陶泥。

Work surface : i use a sheet of clear acrylic under which i put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size 工作面板:我使用一張丙烯酸材料的墊板,在其下我放了一大張坐標紙,它可以幫助我按照切割軟陶泥。

Graph paper tool 柵格工具

Darren : oh , i need graph paper for my economics class 喔,我需要圖表紙,上經濟學課的時候用。

The area below this curve is measured, e.g. by counting small squares if graph paper is used . 要測出這條曲線下的面積,例如,可使用方格紙以計數曲線下小方格的數目。